Bitcoin Transaction
Examples showing how to do Bitcoin transactions with the TSM
To carry out a Bitcoin transaction using the TSM, ensure you've installed the necessary Bitcoin NPM dependencies. Here's an example of Bitcoin NPM dependencies:
"dependencies": {
"@sepior/tsm": "^latest",
"asn1.js": "^5.4.1",
"bitcoinjs-lib": "^6.1.3",
"ecpair": "^2.1.0",
"tiny-secp256k1": "^2.2.3"
After successfully installing the Bitcoin NPM dependencies, you can now proceed with a Bitcoin transaction using TSM. Here's an example of how to execute a Bitcoin transaction with TSM:
const fs = require("fs");
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const testnet = bitcoin.networks.testnet;
const ECPairFactory = require('ecpair');
const ecc = require('tiny-secp256k1');
const asn = require("asn1.js");
const {TSMClient, algorithms} = require("@sepior/tsm");
const ECPair = ECPairFactory.ECPairFactory(ecc);
const credsRaw = fs.readFileSync("creds.json");
const creds = JSON.parse(credsRaw);
async function example() {
// this is the info from the transaction that created the UTXO we want to spend
const utxo_transactionId = '072ca1827060d9867e82842ae6cca6f56de02c1db09838410713750d13e04b1b';
const utxo_index = 1;
const utxo_value = 1102453;
const from_testnet_address = 'mhmRiCf3ZjzpGVzvy8HQDkLhFSCsJy52fp';
// this is the to-address
const to_testnet_address = 'mjWbTCFBGbbvPR2eRk5JkoLrSNLe4xoQwS';
const send_amount = 20000; // send 0.0002 btc which is 20000 satoshi;
const change_amount = utxo_value - send_amount - TRANSACTION_FEE;
const rawTransaction = new bitcoin.Psbt({network: testnet});
let rawTx =
//above From
hash: utxo_transactionId,
index: utxo_index,
nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(rawTx, "hex"),
address: to_testnet_address,
value: send_amount,
address: from_testnet_address,
value: change_amount,
let playerCount = 3;
let threshold = 1;
const tsmClient1 = await TSMClient.init(playerCount, threshold, creds.creds1);
const tsmClient2 = await TSMClient.init(playerCount, threshold, creds.creds2);
const tsmClient3 = await TSMClient.init(playerCount, threshold, creds.creds3);
// Use an existing key
const keyID = "SOMEID";
const addressChainPath = new Uint32Array([49, 1, 0, 0, 0]);
let [pk, pkDER] = await tsmClient1.publicKey(algorithms.ECDSA, keyID, addressChainPath);
const pkCompressed = await pk2Sec1Compressed(tsmClient1, pkDER);
const pkRaw = pk.export({format: "der", type: "spki"});
pkBytes = pkRaw.slice(23); // Remove RFC 5280 prefix
sessionNum = generateRandomNumber(43);
sessionID = "b"+sessionNum; // sessionID should not be reused, reusing it on subsequent retries can cause errors
presigCount = 1; // In production, many presignatures should be generated at once
results = await Promise.all([
tsmClient1.presigGenWithSessionID(algorithms.ECDSA, sessionID, keyID, presigCount),
tsmClient2.presigGenWithSessionID(algorithms.ECDSA, sessionID, keyID, presigCount),
tsmClient3.presigGenWithSessionID(algorithms.ECDSA, sessionID, keyID, presigCount),
presigIDs = results[0]; // In production, validate that all players return the same IDs
const signer = {
network: testnet,
publicKey: pkCompressed,
sign: async ($hash) => {
const [partialSignature1, ,] = await tsmClient1.partialSignWithPresig(algorithms.ECDSA, keyID, presigIDs[0], addressChainPath, $hash);
const [partialSignature2, ,] = await tsmClient2.partialSignWithPresig(algorithms.ECDSA, keyID, presigIDs[0], addressChainPath, $hash);
const [partialSignature3, ,] = await tsmClient3.partialSignWithPresig(algorithms.ECDSA, keyID, presigIDs[0], addressChainPath, $hash);
let [signature,] = await tsmClient1.finalize(algorithms.ECDSA, [partialSignature1, partialSignature2, partialSignature3]);
console.log("Signature :", Buffer.from(signature).toString('hex'))
var ECSignature = asn.define('ECSignature', function () {
var ecSignature = ECSignature.decode(Buffer.from(signature), 'der');
srSignature = ecSignature.R.toString('hex').padStart(64, '0') + ecSignature.S.toString('hex').padStart(64, '0');
console.log(Buffer.from(srSignature, 'hex').toString("hex"));
console.log(Buffer.from(srSignature, 'hex').length);
return Buffer.from(srSignature, 'hex');
await rawTransaction.signInputAsync(0, signer);
const validator = (pubkey, msghash, signature) => ECPair.fromPublicKey(pubkey).verify(msghash, signature);
var retval = rawTransaction.validateSignaturesOfInput(0, validator);
console.log('validation check = ' + retval);
const signed_tx = rawTransaction.extractTransaction().toHex();
console.log('Signed Raw Transaction:', signed_tx);
async function pk2Sec1Compressed(tsmClient, pk) {
// The public key pk returned from the TSM is in DER format.
// We can convert to compressed format like this.
// See, e.g.,
let [curveName, pubX, pubY] = await tsmClient.parsePublicKey(algorithms.ECDSA, pk);
let xBytes = Buffer.from(pubX.buffer);
let prefix = (pubY[31] & 0x01) === 0x00 ? Buffer.from([0x02]) : Buffer.from([0x03]);
return Buffer.concat([prefix, xBytes]);
function generateRandomNumber(n) {
var add = 1, max = 12 - add; // 12 is the min safe number Math.random() can generate without it starting to pad the end with zeros.
if ( n > max ) {
return generateRandomNumber(max) + generateRandomNumber(n - max);
max = Math.pow(10, n+add);
var min = max/10; // Math.pow(10, n) basically
var number = Math.floor( Math.random() * (max - min + 1) ) + min;
return ("" + number).substring(add);
Updated about 1 year ago